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My paintings of Garden Girls represent all females thrilled by all the beauty nature provides them. Whether they’re listening to the trees, admiring the change of the butterfly, or watching a flower bloom. They understand the concept of mother nature, live life in full bloom, and believe in a better tomorrow.

All of my Garden Girl paintings are created by using bright colors. Mixed media on canvas is my favorite choice when painting them.

Floral hair accessories are a must, and I am a big fan of flower crowns.

As a little girl, I would put jewel necklaces around my forehead or wrap weeds in a circle and pretend they were crowns.

I think obsession came after being the flower girl for my favorite aunt JoJo’s wedding.

And who are we kidding? I still play with flower crowns to this day. I’m sure you’ll notice them on my pony girls throughout these blog pages.

I think the idea of something beautiful around my forehead made me feel very important at that age like I was a queen of nature.

To me, the flower crown represents peace, imagination, and celebration of accomplishments.

When looking at my Garden Girls, I hope they remind you to take a moment to admire your surroundings. Take in nature, soak in the warmth of the sun, and appreciate the little things.

Thanks for being here!


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All of Emily’s artwork is copyright to Emily Carlson and She Paints For Ponies. You do not have permission to copy, download, digitalize, sell, and so forth, without Emily’s written permission.