
I may be biased, but I have a pretty cute miniature horse, and her name is Cedar.

Cedar actually came into my life twice, and can you believe I passed on her the first time I inquired about her?

I found her ad on Craigslist, and after messaging the owner, he told me she had very little training, was hard to catch, and was cautious around people.

I had the feeling I was not experienced enough to handle her, and I had to pass.

Then six months later, I put my own WANTED AD on Craigslist looking for a companion for Mixie, my miniature shetland pony.

To my surprise, I got a response from Cedars owner, who did not know that I was the person who inquired about Cedar six months earlier.

He had attached Cedars’s photo to the email he sent me in response to my wanted ad, and that’s how I knew it was her.

Of course, I felt like I should at least meet her.

After all, she still didn’t have a new home yet, and this was the second time this little miniature horse was crossing my path. Was is meant to be?

Cedars Craiglist Photo 2017

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We pulled up to a small farm with a handful of miniature horses.

It turned out that Cedar’s original owner had purchased her in a package deal with her sibling, who they wanted for showing purposes.

They had tried to breed Cedar, but she went into premature labor, losing the foal, and never became pregnant after that.

They had no real purpose for Cedar, and that’s why she didn’t get handled much over the years.

She was cautious the day we met, but overall she seemed curious, and to make a long story short, Cedar was delivered to my hobby farm a few days later for $100, and that included her delivery fee.

Pet Miniature Horse


She received the knick name Wild Bush Baby because she wanted to trust us, but she just didn’t know how.

To settle her, I started by just being in her presence so she could get used to me being around.

Eventually, I moved on with brushing and grooming, and I would let her walk away and come back on her own.

After that, we moved on to hoof care, daily walks, and little games with pool noodles and the pool.

She was and still is very treat motivated.

blue roan miniature horse in pool

Now, Cedar is my favorite pet to take walks and adventure with.

She really enjoys our quality time together and is a great herd mate to her pony companions Mixie, and Shiloh.

She enjoys watching the chickens and commotion around the yard but can still be cautious around strangers, even though she’s been with us since December 2017.

silkie chicken and miniature horse
Miniature Horse
Miniature Horse drinking water
miniature horse wearing marigold flower crown

I am so happy my miniature horse Cedar found a forever home here. What would I do with out my wild little bush baby? This was meant to be.



Pet Minaiture Horse

You can find Mixie and Shiloh’s stories in the posts below.



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