
Please feel free to explore my paintings for inspiration, but note the artwork you are viewing is copyright to Emily Carlson, and She Paints For Ponies

You DO NOT have permission to copy, download, digitalize, and so forth without written permission.

A farmette is a pretty word for a hobby farm. I think it was the perfect name pairing for the painting I’m sharing today, “Mother’s Farmette.”

You’ll often see artwork with Mother Nature surrounded by wildlife, including deer, owls, birds, or bears, but not often do you see her surrounded by farm animals.

This painting, “Mother’s Farmette,” is my playful version of Mother Nature caring for the farm, because after all, any farmer will tell you they rely on Mother Nature heavily.

Mothers Farmette Painting and ponies

The artwork is mixed media on canvas, measuring 30″ x 40″ with a 1.5″ profile.

You’ll find a small supplies used list towards the end of this post.

I created this painting for a partial event that ended up not happening, but I do have an art event I would like to submit to coming in the late summer unless it finds a happy new home beforehand.

colorful artwork of farm animals

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This painting is a BIG ONE! I started with a pencil drawing and then painted the dark background area with a combination of my two favorite colors, Phthalocyanine Blue & Phthalocyanine Green.

Next, I started working on my characters. My Garden Girl, playing the role of Mother Nature, came first.

Similar to my other Garden Girls, she has big eyes, rosy cheeks, and a cute little smile. My favorite thing about her face is that I used black embroidery floss for her eyelashes, so they pop off the canvas just a bit.

face painting

Near the lower half of her neck area, I used a honeycomb stencil with heavy molding paste, giving a fun pop-off texture. The two butterflies were detailed with paint markers and have embroidery floss antennae.

colorful honeycomb

Resting atop her head in her floral crown is a sparkly little chicken, who is all glamorous and covered in both fine and chunky glitter.

And the two smaller butterflies you see were hand painted on a separate sheet of canvas, cut out, and then adhered to the canvas with archival glue.

chicken painting

Before finishing up the left side of her layered green hair, the pony was added. I just think this pony is so sweet, and the nest in the mane is something I’ve done before on a couple of other pieces.

The nest is made from first painting and under-painting with acrylic paints and then layering over it with different shades of embroidery floss.

Colorful pony painting

Two little eggs are cut from a separate sheet of canvas scraps, and then I cover them in different shades of fine blue glitter. I always like to do blue eggs because I’m a boy mom, and they remind me of my babies.

colorful mixed media birds nest

Another fun addition to this piece is the heart I made from pink embroidery floss. It’s there to represent the feeling of gratefulness and love for the things we’re provided in life.

 pink embroidery floss heart

Next up is the COOLEST cow! From the blue, fine glitter eyepatch to the faux jewel nostril ring, this cow is a sassy showstopper with a hide that resembles cotton candy coloring.

Hand-painted with acrylic paint and then detailed with circles, dots, and scribble marks from paint markers.

colorful painting of a cow

Small white dots and gold stars finish off the background.

farm animals painting
farm animal painting

You will find ” Mother’s Farmette ” under the Farm-Her category of my art collections. 

Please message me for availability on this piece HERE.


You can find these supplies at most art supply retailers. My top shops are Blick Art Materials and Amazon for the best deals.


farm animals painting

You can view more of my artwork under the  PAINTING INSPIRATION | PAINTINGS BY EMILY category of the blog. 

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