Painted snowman with miniature horse and ponies

Snowmen are something we build pretty much every winter.

They’re one of those winter bucket list activities that are a MUST if you live where the snow falls.

Over the years, we’ve had BIG snowmen, little snowmen, two-headed snowmen, and dresses-to-impress snowmen, but one of my favorite ways to dress up a snowman is with snowman paint.

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Making Snowman Paint

Adding a little cheerful color to our winter snowmen is always a favorite, and it’s simple to do with two ingredients cold water and liquid food coloring.

You’ll also need some bottles to hold your colors.

Spray bottles spread the colors over a larger area the best, but liquid bottles are good for making lines, letters, or snow art.

DIY snow Paint
Pony in winter
snowman with heart and a miniature Shetland pony mare
pony in winter with snow painted rainbow

To make fun and colorful snowman paint, all you have to do is add water to your containers of choice and then add some drops of liquid food coloring into the water.

The more food coloring you add, the darker your colors will be on the snow.

Food coloring can stain so use caution.

The bottles I’m using are between 2 ounces and 4 ounces, and I have about ten drops of food coloring per 2 ounces in each bottle.

green snow paint
red snow paint hearts
blue snow paint smiley face
yellow snow paint stars

Snowmen Around The Hobby Farm

Another thing we like to do with our snowmen is to poke little holes in them to hide treats for the ponies.

snowman paint and a miniature horse
Cedar searching for treats.
Don’t worry, food coloring is non-toxic.

Treats include small carrot chunks, Forage Cubes , and mineral pellets.

It’s a fun winter boredom buster that has the girls sniffing around the snowmen, searching for a tasty little snack.

It’s also a great time to take cute pony pictures because we all love those.

winter wonderland. Horses in winter with a snowman
miniature horse and Shetland pony in the winter with a snowman
miniature horse and Shetland pony in the winter with a snowman
miniature horse in the winter with a snowman

I hope you enjoyed the photos, and if you can, build yourself a snowman or make yourself some snow art.

Enjoy your winter and the snow because some people never get the chance to play in it.



 If you’re looking for a project, try the LETS DIY – ARTS & CRAFTS category.

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