
Ok, I’ll admit it! I’m officially one of those people who sit around looking out my window and yelling, “Look! Look! A blue jay! Oh, a cardinal, two of them.” So why wouldn’t I be making some teacup bird feeders out of the vintage teacups I found while riding my bike over the summer?!

Yep, you heard me. I found an entire vintage set of dishes and teacups at the end of a driveway for FREE while out on a morning bike ride. I got home after the bike ride and took the car back to get them. Did I need them? No, but they were free, and I’m crafty. Plus, I love me some old pretty dishes.

Vintage Did set

They washed up beautifully, and I ended up with a complete setting for six. I also have a handful of pieces with scratches, chips, and cracks that I’m saving for more crafting and whatnot.

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Making Teacup Bird Feeders

Here’s what I used to make the feeders.

repurposing vintage dishes

Attaching the teacup to the bowl was easy peasy.

I just applied some E6000 Glue to the center of the bowl and placed the teacup sideways on top of the glue, and let it dry for 24 hours.

vintage teacup craft idea

Next, I spread a little peanut butter into the teacup and bowl before I brought it outside to hang.

vintage teacup craft
I hear that bluejays and woodpeckers love peanut butter.

Once I picked the perfect spot to hang the feeder, I tied it to the branch with my string. After it was secure on the branch, I sprinkled on my birdseed.

Vintage Teacup Birdfeeder
vintage teacup bird feeder diy

It’s so cute. I almost want to fill the entire tree with teacup ornaments for the summer. Wouldn’t that be adorable?

Happy bird watching!



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